Wednesday, 7 May 2008

Hey, Hey Mister Blue Skies

Ah, at last.....t-shirt wearing weather.

The seedlings, human and green, like it as much as I do. We all feel better for a bit of sun on our back.

My Morning Glory, which I took a photo of yesterday (goodness, where did I find the time? It was such a busy, headachey blur) have come on even more so I've taken another photo just to bore everybody.

And the carrots in the great Carrot Tape v Carrot Seed contest are peeping through with the seeds winning, at the moment. But it's still anyone's race and I wouldn't place your bets just yet.

I've also snapped my leeks, Autumn Giant I think they were, because I swear in the ten minutes I opened the growhouse to the time I went back to water them they had visibly grown.

I am a little disappointed that there's still no show from the corriander. But maybe it'll surprise me as patience isn't a strong point.

And the allotment? I haven't been up there except for a flying visit at the weekend to show it off to someone. I'd like an allotment, she said, I keep thinking I ought to get one. But it's the time isn't it. Where would I find the time?

I looked at her, wondering if she thought I had a special time-turning gadget like in Harry Potter. She has adult children, works in the family business which seemingly affords her an okay amount of time off and has two dogs to walk. I wish, I thought while busily pulling up baby bindweed, that I had such "little" time.

Still, it's all a compromise and about priorities. Cobwebs don't even register with me, let alone make it onto my list of priorities whereas they do with her. I suggested that she put her name down and by the time, say in two years, she had made her decision she would be somewhere near the top.

Tomorrow evening, when Hubby comes home, I shall make it up to the allotment, I've promised myself. Tonight though I have a date with the cast of High School Musical and about two thousand screaming pre-teens.

1 comment:

  1. my coriander took forever to germinate too, i know the feeling! parsley took even longer...
