But - my! - what a difference two weeks make. It had been a fortnight since the last club and I hadn't bothered to check on the garden so it was a lovely surprise to see it on Tuesday.
The cabbages! The spinach! The runner beans! There was so much to look at and the children seemed excited to spot the green tomatoes and strawberries. Of course, there were downsides. It looked like someone had picked a courgette (the stalk had been cut and I'm sure two weeks ago there was a flower which by now must have matured to a veg) and the pumpkin has been totally eaten.
But apart from that everything looked lush and wonderful. I sighed a lot inwardly, thinking why couldn't my allotment be like that. After all, I spend more time on it.
Sometimes I struggle to think of things to do with them but to help me remember (and in case anyone is looking for inspiration) on this, Week Three of the second half of summer term, we: weeded planted the rocket they had grown from seed (I'm not sure this will grow as the seedlings were very small but I was desperate); carried on making the herb bed (there is a good team who seem to like doing this); planted some purple sprouting broccoli and refilled the pub slugs.
It doesn't seem like much but it filled the session. Trouble is, the school has got someone else to plant up troughs and baskets with the classes so I'm a bit limited about what we can do. I was rather hoping that would be in the scope of the gardening club so I'm hoping inspiration will strike in time for next week.
I used to run a Rainbow pack when my kids were small, and I found it helped to have themes. So much can fall under the remit gardening club.
ReplyDeleteYou could learn about bugs and beasties and whether they are beneficial or not, wildflowers and weeds, maybe even some basic cooking and nutrition?
I think its wonderful that you do it, and its always the Mum with the most on her metaphoric plate, that gives the most back too. Well done you :-)
Good on you, helping to grow the next generation of gardeners! Those kids will remember this experience the rest of their lives.
ReplyDeleteI'm so happy to see schools and day camps planting gardens with the children. It seems to be a big movement in the area where I live. The nursery where I work has donated plants to a few of them.
Children are coming in to the nursery with home schoolers, day care providers and teachers in increasing numbers. It's wonderful.
Your patience is shocking - sounds like the kids are learning a lot!
ReplyDeleteI've tagged you (http://gardenopolis.wordpress.com/2008/06/21/garden-tag/) - please join in if you like.
I went away for a week and now all the weeds just seem out of control because it has been so warm and damp. So many weeds, everything is loving the weather.